Friday 23 April 2010

Charlie Brookers Screenwipe

1. What does the documentary say about key developments in videogames - is there anything we didn't cover in the powerpoints?
The documentary tells us that the only games that existed when videogames first came about and all the genres came in later. As videogame consoles became more advanced, the graphics for them have became more detailed.
Also there were many television shows based around videogames such as Gamesmaster and Gamesville.

Key videogames in history:
- Pacman
- School Daze
- Nightlaw
- Wolfenstein

2. What are his opinions on the industry
Charlie Brooker believes that the media has been portraying videogames in a negative way.

3. Does the documentary suggest any ways that the industry might develop.
Charlie Brooker continues to complain about the popularity over casual games and childrens games, he thinks that they are dominating the games market at the moment and could possibly become even popular.

4. Does it highlight any differences between the UK and US market.
The US started off the videogames market and that was dominated mainly by big companies like Atari and Nintendo whilst in the UK games were mainly made by hobbyists who created games, not for profit, but for entertainment.

5. any other key points.
Introduced new crimes - selling 'adult' games on the blackmarket.

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