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Rockstar Videogames
- What is the genre?
- Who is the target audience and why?
- After playing, why do you think the company is so successful?
- Are there any controversial elements?
Red-Dead Revolver- It's a shoot em up and a third person shooter.
- It's target audience is male, preferably older men because of the old western theme.
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- The controversial elements are that you are involved in robberies and murder.
Canis Canem Edit- It's an action game.
- It's target audience is young boys because it is set in a school.
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- The controversial elements are that it influences bullying and it had to change it's name from "Bully"
Table Tennis- It's a sport game.
- It's target audience is family because it is a 2 player game.
- *
- There are no controversial elements.
Midnight Club LA- It's a racing/driving game.
- It's target audience is teenagers and young adults
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