Friday 23 April 2010

Video Games

Video Games over time have become more graphic and violent however the storyline of games appear to be becoming steadily worse, for example the game 50cent you have to chase after a woman who stole your skull item and gain points for murdering people. The People who play games that are violent appear to be aware that there brain is telling them that what they are doing is wrong yet they enjoy it, it is questionable whether it is the media conditioning people to get involved with slaughter. Non violent games such as the Mario games and puzzle games such as Tetris aren't as popular as games such as grand theft auto where people can experience being the worse person they can be and not have to feel bad at all. Does the game encourage people to be bad in real life or does it encourage people to be as bad as they want in the game so they avoid doing this in real life?
From the program of Charlie Booker screen wipe he recons that games are beginning to loose their charm as within violent games its all about violence and killing. However casual games are rapidly expanding, for example 'wii sports' and 'Mamas kitchen' for the wii. Games are evolving from using a box like controller with one button, to more complicated controls to the predicted future of no longer needing controls at all and focusing on virtual reality and being in the game.

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