Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Video games

1. What is the genre of the games?
2. Who is the target audience and why?
3. After playing the games, why do you think Rockstar was so successful
4. If there are any what are the controversial elements?

Grand Theft Auto - Vice city:

1. Genre is action/violence
2. Target audience is boys, 18+ because of the violence and what what you do as a male interest.
3. Tells a story and you have a mission to complete
4. People are wary of things you can do in the game such as speeding, fighting, shooting, etc. People may get used to it and think it's acceptable thing to do in real life. Especially for a younger age.

Red Dead Revolver:

1. The genre is Action/violence
2. The target audience is for male, 16+ because violence is usually associated with guys.
3. Was successful because story-line with the game makes it more interesting.
4. It can be controversial as people may disagree with the amount of violence.

Canis Canem Edit (bully):

1. The genre is violence
2. The target audience is for boys aged 15+ because the characters are male.
3. This game was probably successful because kids can relate to the characters.
4. The controversy this game is what aim of the game as young children would follow.

Table Tennis:

1. The genre is sport
2. The target audience is for both genders depending if the player is interested in sport.
3. It's successful because it's different and more relaxed compared to other games.

Midnight Club:

1. The genre is sport (racing)
2.The target audience is mainly males but women would enjoy the game as well because both genders would enjoy a competitive game.
3. The game is successful because it's good for both genders

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