- When was the game released? - The game was released on 26/06/2009
- How many were sold?
- How much profit did it make?
- How many people were on the developing team?
- What is the development and publishing company? - The development team for the game was EA sports and the Publishing company was EA games.
- What is the theme and the style of the game? - The theme of the game is a sports game.
- What is the games engine? - The games engine is new to EA because it has been re - written to have new physics.
- How long did it take to make?
- What is the structure of the company? - The structure fo the company is that EA are a vertical company because they are the publisher, the developer and the designer.
- What consoles can it be played on? - EA is a third party games company because they make games for any of the consoles, but the main ones are PS£, Xbox and the Wii.
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