What console?
Nintendo Wii
When was the game released?
How many copies were solved?
13.67 million
How many people were in the development team?
3 people in the production team but there were three other major departments:
- Sound department
- Art department
- Original music department
What is the development and publishing company?
- Developer – Nintendo EAD
- Publisher – Nintendo
What are the themes and styles of the game?
Mario Kart Wii is an action packed racing game, it allows up to 4 players and has 24 characters with ten battle stages to complete. The genre of the game is comedy, family and sport.
What games engine was used?
'Unreal' is the games engine designed especially for the Wii.
What is the structure of the company?
Third Party Game - Both companies came together to create this game it is a horizontal developer.
Killer app- Mario for Nintendo - people who are fans of Mario and have the other games will be interested to buy this game.
The different ways of advertising are:
- billboards
- official Nintendo magazine and websites
- posters and comics
- fans of Nintendo create their own blog
Mario Kart Wii Trailer:
- Shows the audience and how you can play with all your friends, it’s a friendly competition.
- Shows the different way of controlling and how the wii is unique from other consoles
Previously in the past, games used to get distributed through Amazon and EBay and from the stores such as HMV.
However during the more advanced times games can get distributed through websites and on the PS3 and Xbox as you can download it through the internet connection.
Wii online:
Wii doesn't only play games, it also connects wirelessly to the Internet to bring you the latest news, weather reports and game downloads; plus you can send text messages and swap data with other Wii owners online. Also you can directly play games with other wii owners.
- You can play with up to four players with one control each.
there is up to 24 characters that you can choose from therefore there is a variety.
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