Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Mario and Sonic Olympic Games Termonology.

Killer app - Sonic for Sega and Mario for Nintendo
Third Party Game - Both companies came together to create this game, Sega made game but Nintendo gave Sega the lisence to make it and use their characters.

Convergence - 2 or more products in one.
Developer - Designs the games and/ or consoles and has the software to make the product. Sega Japan and Sega Sports.
Games Engine - 'Unreal' is the games engine designed especially for the Wii.
Synergy - Sega and Nintendo, both well-known companies came together to create this game to ensure a large effect. Game > Toys of Sonic and Mario and other merchandise.
Manufactuer - Sega made the game.
Designer - Shigeru Miyambto.
Publishers - Nintendo and Sega.
Structure - Third Party game, Horizontal Intergration.

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